Introductory Session–Gift or Sponsor

Congratulations in making this investment in someone you care about! I am so excited to work with your recipient. 

The introductory session is a 90-minute session in which we’ll explore the client’s goals, identify any obstacles that could be getting in their way, and discuss the process we can go through and approaches we can take to help them achieve their goals. If it feels like a great fit, we’ll make a plan to continue from there. It’s my intention that they’ll leave the session with more clarity, confidence, and motivation to make their goals happen, as well as a decision about whether we are the right fit longer-term. They’ll call me at my phone number for our session, or if they prefer a video session, I will provide a link after we have scheduled our session.

To gift or sponsor an introductory session, please pay for the session by clicking “Buy” and completing payment via Stripe, and then fill out the sponsor form below. Please take care to read the terms of service. 

After you have paid and filled out the form, please either connect me to your gift recipient/sponsee via email, or give them my email information and ask them to contact me directly. Your recipient will need to complete an intake form, which they can find here (you may share this link with them at any time, and I can provide it when they connect with me via email). As soon as I receive your payment, your sponsor form, and your recipient’s intake form, I’ll schedule a session time with them and send them a questionnaire for them to return to me before we meet; the questionnaire will prepare us both for their session.

Please note that all contact about coaching will be directly between me and the client. I am unable to share information about the coaching sessions, general or specific, with the sponsors; any sharing about the process or progress must be done by the client. The coach may share only the following information with the sponsors: information about when and how payment is due; payment reminders; confirmation of payment receipt; notification that the client has stopped showing up for or scheduling coaching sessions or responding to correspondence from the coach for a period exceeding two weeks. Otherwise, the coach promises the client that all information provided to the coach will be kept strictly confidential as allowed by law.

Sponsor Form
Please carefully read the terms below.

The service to be provided is coaching, which is not advice, therapy, nor counseling and may address specific personal projects, business successes, or general conditions in the client’s life and/or profession. Coaching is a designed alliance that helps bring out the best in the client and helps the client create and live the life they want to live.

I understand that coaching is not the same as therapy, counseling, mentoring, or consulting. I understand that coaching does not involve the diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. I understand that coaching is not a substitute for counseling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment and I will not use it or encourage the client to use it in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment, or therapy.

Coaching is most effective when the client has full trust in the confidentiality of the process. Confidentiality lies with the client; I understand that the coach will not share information about the coaching sessions, general or specific, with the sponsors; any sharing about the process or progress must be done by the client. I understand that the coach may share only the following information with the sponsor(s): information about when and how payment is due; payment reminders; confirmation of payment receipt; notification that the client has stopped showing up for or scheduling coaching sessions or responding to correspondence from the coach for a period exceeding two weeks. Otherwise, the coach promises the client that all information provided to the coach will be kept strictly confidential as allowed by law.

I understand that the client is free to accept or reject any suggestion(s) or request(s) made by the coach at any given time, and that the client is fully responsible for their own decisions regardless of what ideas, information, or suggestions may be offered. I agree that, in the event if any claim or grievance by me, my sole remedy will be the return of the fees paid. Carrie Spaulding is not responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages beyond the total amount of fees paid by the client.

I understand that coaching session information will be held as confidential unless I state otherwise, in writing, except as required by law. I understand that Carrie keeps all client contact details in a computer record, along with a coaching log of the dates and number of hours spent in our coaching sessions. The coaching log is submitted to the International Coaching Federation as part of the professional accreditation process. Confidential information, such as the content of coaching sessions, will be recorded in private session notes and will not be included in the ICF coaching log.

I understand that certain topics may be anonymously or hypothetically shared with other coaching professionals for training or consultation purposes, or in resources (oral and written) for other clients.

I understand that the client’s sessions will be conducted at the coach’s phone number, or via video conferencing at a link provided by the coach, and the client will call the coach or show up at the video meeting at the agreed upon time. I understand that the client must give 24 hours’ notice to reschedule or cancel a session, and that I will be charged in full for sessions canceled, missed, or rescheduled without 24 hours’ notice.

I understand that I am responsible for all fees for services provided to the client. I have read, understand, and agree to comply with all policies on this page. By signing this document, I indicate that I have reviewed, understand, and agree to comply with the policies in this disclosure statement/agreement, and that I consent to sponsoring coaching for the client.