Press Kit

Here’s everything you need to promote your event with Carrie! If there’s anything you need that you don’t see here, just ask.


There are bios of varying lengths for your use. You can copy-paste them, or download Word files here.

235-Word Bio
Carrie Spaulding is a speaker, coach, facilitator, educator, artist, nomad, improviser, and human. Carrie pulls from this breadth and depth of experience and her diverse toolbox to help humans human better. A globally acclaimed keynote speaker and trainer, Carrie specializes in guiding individuals, teams, and organizations to develop the soft skills, clarity, courage, conviction, and confidence to make their contribution, step deeper into who they are, and thrive in an ever-changing world.

Using her distinctively creative, experiential, and outside-the-box approach, Carrie facilitates real-time growth with warmth, passion, expertise, and humor. An experience with Carrie leaves participants empowered with improved competencies, instantly applicable new tools and strategies, and a feeling that professional development was never this much fun!

In her private coaching as The Thirtysomething Coach®, Carrie helps thirtysomethings break through Thirtysomething Panic and create careers, relationships, and lives they love. Carrie also leads a variety of independent group programs to help people live, work, and lead better. 

In January 2018, Carrie embarked on the ultimate improvisation: a nomadic adventure, living, coaching, speaking, training, creating, and improvising all over the United States. This journey capitalizes on and continues to stretch and hone Carrie’s mastery in creating presence in the midst of disruption, fostering instant connections in a wide variety of settings, spotting and nurturing emergent opportunities, pivoting and adapting to the unexpected, embracing the “not knowing,” and finding home wherever she is. 

Explore more at

150-Word Bio
Carrie Spaulding is a speaker, coach, facilitator, educator, artist, nomad, improviser, and human. Carrie pulls from this breadth and depth of experience and her diverse toolbox to help humans human better. A globally acclaimed keynote speaker and trainer, Carrie specializes in guiding individuals, teams, and organizations to develop the soft skills, clarity, courage, conviction, and confidence to make their contribution, step deeper into who they are, and thrive in an ever-changing world.

Using her distinctively creative, experiential, and outside-the-box approach, Carrie facilitates real-time growth and leaves participants empowered with improved competencies, instantly applicable tools and strategies, and a feeling that professional development was never this much fun!

In her private coaching as The Thirtysomething Coach®, Carrie helps thirtysomethings break through Thirtysomething Panic and create careers, relationships, and lives they love. Carrie leads a variety of independent group programs to help people live, work, and lead better. 

Explore more at

75-Word Bio
Carrie Spaulding is a coach, globally acclaimed speaker, facilitator, educator, artist, nomad, and improviser. Specializing in creative and experiential approaches, Carrie empowers individuals, teams, and organizations to develop the soft skills, clarity, courage, conviction, and confidence to make their contribution, step deeper into who they are, and thrive in an ever-changing world. As The Thirtysomething Coach, Carrie helps clients break through Thirtysomething Panic and create careers, relationships, and lives they love. Explore more at


Please choose one of the following Headlines, depending on the best fit for your event. Contact me for approval of any changes prior to publishing.
Please note that “Thirtysomething” is to be written one word, no spaces, only first letter capitalized.

Headline A: Keynote Speaker | The Thirtysomething Coach | Facilitator
Headline B: Keynote Speaker | The Thirtysomething Coach | Nomad | Improviser
Headline C: Globally Acclaimed Speaker | The Thirtysomething Coach
Headline D: Keynote Speaker | The Thirtysomething Coach | Facilitator | Improviser


You can download any of these images for the purpose of promoting your event with Carrie Spaulding. To download a high-resolution image, click the text below each image, or find all images available here.

#1 High-Res / Web | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 #6


“I recommend Carrie as a facilitator for any company looking for a fun, creative way to bring even more life into Leadership trainings.” —Jeanne Lyons, Google Staffing Manager
“The session was filled with laughter, and was one of the best leadership talks I have attended at a conference in a very long time. In fact, I think this session alone was worth the price I paid for admission to the conference!” —Scott A. Moore, ACC, CAM
“What a refreshing experience to show up—tired!—and have a presenter say NOTHING at first but manage to absolutely quiet the room and rivet her audience! The entire session was mostly experiential, and extreme fun and learning through improv: our improvisation exercises were challenging, exciting, and oh so filled with learnings! Carrie was also masterful at debriefing each exercise in a dynamic, engaging, and controlled way which led to amazing ‘AHA’ moments, and a great sense of belonging and camaraderie. She drove home some essential points by leading [us] through powerful experiences. The room was brimming with excitement, and people left energized … and changed. Thank you Carrie!” —Pascale Brady, PCC
“Carrie is amazing! Her lessons, timing, delivery, and application is spot on and applicable to all levels of supervision and management. Life lessons with meaningful use at all levels of your organization.” —Matthew Smolecki, AbD, MBA, CPP; Director of Learning, Development & Safety
“Carrie’s experiential learning methods raised my awareness of tendencies that are getting in the way of my goals and satisfaction. This experience was immensely helpful and fun.” —James Tedford, organization consultant
“Out of all of the sessions I attended, this one was personally inspiring for me! Carrie’s presentation was engaging, thought-provoking, educational, and fun. The exercises helped participants get out of their head, listen to others, and be present in the moment. The rapport developed between exercise partners after a few short minutes was amazing. I feel energized from this session and looking forward to putting these techniques into practice!” —Amy Gamblin, ACC

“She captured our attention right out the gate. The audience was on edge of their seats, not quite sure what was next. She spoke with clarity and focus. She demonstrated great respect for all her participants. She conducted several large group activities highly effectively, which would have seemed impossible. She had people laughing, learning, engaging, hugging, some on the verge of tears as they learned. Her teaching style and inclusiveness speckled with humor and moments of seriousness that made the experience totally engaging and elevating. You won’t find a better speaker on coaching issues than Carrie. She is truly a treasure!” —Cliff Walters, MD, MBA
“Loved the energy, loved the focus, loved the improv. You have to hear Carrie.” —Peter James, PhD, ACC, President Elect, ICF-Chicago
Video Testimonials: