Thank you so much for your interest in The Lab. Registration for the Winter 2025 cohort is closed. To get first notification of the next cohort, add your name to the wait list:
Each cohort of this course is firmly capped at 14 people, so I suggest you join the list right away! Read on for all the details about this one-of-a-kind experience!

The Lab is an exciting and FUN experiential 8-week group program using visual art play, improvisation, and nomad-inspired experiments to develop key competencies that you can apply across all areas of your life and work. NO experience with art or improv is necessary–participants range from total beginners to people with tons of experience, and it is a safe place for everyone (including introverts)–promise.
In this folder, you’ll find:
- a scan-friendly document (named “Course Overview” with all the key details
- a more robust document (named “The Lab Invitation”) with the same key information, plus some extra bells and whistles and lots of visuals
Here are some of the benefits participants have reported:

- Bring more joy, play, curiosity, pleasure, and fun into your everyday life
- Experience more freedom, expansiveness, novelty, adventure, connection, and vitality
- Gain personal and professional confidence
- Loosen up, deal way more effectively with your inner critic, and stop perfectionism from stopping you
- Get better at thinking on your feet and spotting opportunities everywhere
- Develop more access to and trust in your intuition
- Give yourself a break from being “in your head,” and access a non-verbal means of processing things (especially if you tend to be very “thinky”!)
- Create more self-awareness–including what’s blocking you, who you are, what you bring, and what you want
- Start, deepen, or revitalize a creative practice
- Find your voice and show up with more authentic expression of who you are
- Increase your sense of connection with yourself, others, and your physical environment
- Approach your life and your work with more courage, boldness, and positive risk-taking
- Enjoy more engagement and presence
- Create an always-available safe haven inside yourself and your life, where you can do whatever you want
- Embrace your life, yourself, and your current circumstances with more peace and acceptance
- Make your contribution
The Lab is perfect for:

- People who want access to the benefits above to support their goals in every aspect of life
- People who want to start or deepen a creative practice (including total beginners)
- Creatives of any modality (visual art, music, writing, etc.) and any level of experience who want to loosen up, find their own voice/be more authentic in their work, reduce perfectionism and the inner critic, and take their work to new places
- Professionals who want to add an edge to everything they do
The Lab is designed to be:
- Accessible, safe, and super-useful for all levels of experience (from total beginners to experienced professionals)
- Introvert- and extrovert-friendly
- Loaded with zero-performance, no-experience-necessary, sharing-optional exercises (so you can engage fully even if you’re private or shy)
The Lab includes:

- Weekly live Zoom sessions full of useful concepts, thoughtful instruction, meaningful discussion, and engaging experiential exercises
- Optional homework assignments that help you apply what you’re learning to your life
- A very carefully curated, quality supply list so you know exactly what you need to purchase for the course–and can continue enjoying long after the program is done
- Getting to know a group of other great humans in a fun, structured environment
- Free membership in The Life Workshop, my amazing Get-It-Done group, for the duration of the program (optional, but highly recommended)
- A private session with me to deepen the program one-on-one
When is it? The next cohort will run from February 6 to March 27, 2025. Live sessions will be Thursdays from 7:00-9:00 PM ET/New York Time.
Binge-watch your future classroom!
It’s one thing to read about The Lab. It’s another to hear about it straight from the mouths from people who have experienced it! Scroll down to watch a series of videos. Click the video below to watch the whole series…or watch the whole playlist on YouTube!!
Video Guide:
Video 1. 3-Minute Overview of the Lab—watch this video to hear Lab alumni share:
- what The Lab is
- why they signed up
- what they got out of the course
- what they suggest if you’re on the fence
Video 2. The improv component of The Lab: Nervous about the improv piece? So were these participants. Watch to hear about their before and after!
Video 3. The visual art component of The Lab: From total beginners to experienced visual artists, learn about the visual art component of The Lab!
Video 4. The teacher of The Lab: Curious about your teacher? Watch Lab alumni talk about Carrie as a guide, instructor, and facilitator.
Video 5. The optional homework in The Lab: Hear about the enriching and exciting optional homework assignments you can work on outside of class.
Video 6. The private session with the teacher: Learn about the 1-on-1 session bonus, the “Doodle Date™,” & how it enhances the overall learning experience!
Video 7. The bonus of free membership in The Life Workshop: Discover the bonus of The Life Workshop, a Get-it-Done group that can help you get even more out of The Lab.
If you’d like to jump on the phone with me for 15 minutes to help decide if The Lab is right for you, grab a time on my calendar here.