Are You Bringing Your A Game? (a Super-Simple Strategy to Get More Done)

Do you have the feeling that you could be accomplishing soooo much more than you are?

I had a day like that recently.

I did some important things—had an awesome foundation session with a new client, Skyped with my mom (we are determined not to fall out of touch!), and completed some writing…but I still felt a little underwhelmed with my productivity.

Looking back on the day, I knew that some potential had slipped through my fingers.

So I woke up the next day determined to GSD*.

I used a strategy that I think might help you too. …

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Reset Yourself

Last night, a friend and I sat in a bar drinking a beer, watching the Taney Dragons give their all in the Little League World Series with a bunch of other proud Philadelphians (including two dogs!), and catching up.

As we shared the joys, challenges, and amusements of our respective summers, our conversation wandered to what can be described as overload moments—moments when you find yourself in a state of physical, mental, and/or emotional overwhelm or depletion.

Overload moments can emerge when you push yourself really hard for days on end, or when you’re surprised with a sudden emotional punch to the gut. (A communication snafu. A professional disappointment. A loss. A failure to live up to your own standards or values.) They can build gradually or sneak up on you all at once. …

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Becoming an Ex: 5 Steps to Take during a Breakup, Move, or Career Change

From the very beginning, this summer has been a pretty intense walk down Memory Lane here in Carrie-town.

It started in the technically-not-summer-late-spring, when I walked down the street and saw the shades up and a big “FOR RENT” sign near the front window of my first apartment in Philadelphia.

I pressed my nose against the glass and looked at the empty space.

Memories came flooding over me, in a clearer and more visceral way than they had in years. I couldn’t pull myself away. …

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Bumps in the Road: How to Deal with Being Vulnerable and Build Resilience through Change

Vulnerability is a part of life, no matter what. It tends to be significantly heightened if you are pushing yourself to grow, taking risks, and moving through a period of transition.

The good news is, there are strategies that can really help you to manage the vulnerability of change and putting yourself out there.

Learning and practicing these strategies will build your resilience muscles, and help to carry you through the ups and downs of your journey.

Resilience is a practice, not a destination—so be kind to yourself, and know that it’s normal to feel knocked down from time to time. Here are some ways to get back up: …

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I’m Questioning My Job, My Relationship, My Home…Am I Normal?

Are you questioning everything?

“I’m feeling all this weirdness lately. I feel apprehensive, depressed, frustrated, insecure, self-critical—all this at a time when trees are blossoming and temperatures are more—well—temperate. Spring is supposed to be a time of rebirth, of hope. Yet I feel worried and at times sad…” …

I’m Questioning My Job, My Relationship, My Home…Am I Normal? Read More »

Why Are You Still Single? Sara Eckel Says It’s Not You


What’s wrong with me?

Sure, I’m not perfect, but I’m reasonably attractive, interesting, and smart.

I’ve been putting myself out there, making the time to go on dates, and it just isn’t working. I’m just not meeting anyone. Well, not anyone who’s right for me. …

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Are You Paying Attention?

What are the world and the people in it trying to tell you?

If you feel lost, it might be time to listen. up.

When I was in the midst of my own career transition, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, or even that it would involve a career change, but I did know some sort of change was on the horizon.

And that, in and of itself, was scary as hell. Not knowing what that change would be made it even scarier.

As I was trying to figure it all out, inventing my own transition, cobbling together an outline so that I could write my own mysterious next chapter, I didn’t feel like I had a roadmap at all. …

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We Fought About… Couple Claire Meyer and Alan Linic on Going Viral on Twitter, Dealing with Haters, Vulnerable Communication, and How Humor Makes Your Relationship Stronger

Heather SchollDo you and your partner, family, or friends fight about seemingly ridiculous things? Are you and your significant other far from the perfect couple you think you should be? Would you be embarrassed if people knew the completely mundane triggers of your arguments?


Do you have a great idea or content to share, but you’re afraid to put yourself out there, where strangers and friends alike might judge you? Are you so sensitive or afraid of criticism that you play it safe and avoid vulnerability like the plague?

If you said yes to any of those questions, you’re going to love this interview. …

We Fought About… Couple Claire Meyer and Alan Linic on Going Viral on Twitter, Dealing with Haters, Vulnerable Communication, and How Humor Makes Your Relationship Stronger Read More »