Career Change and Fulfillment

Are You Paying Attention?

What are the world and the people in it trying to tell you?

If you feel lost, it might be time to listen. up.

When I was in the midst of my own career transition, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, or even that it would involve a career change, but I did know some sort of change was on the horizon.

And that, in and of itself, was scary as hell. Not knowing what that change would be made it even scarier.

As I was trying to figure it all out, inventing my own transition, cobbling together an outline so that I could write my own mysterious next chapter, I didn’t feel like I had a roadmap at all. …

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Need Advice? Kristin and Dannielle Tell You How to Be Vulnerable, Love Yourself, Laugh More, and Be Who You Are

Carrie, Kristin, and Dannielle

“You are not the only person feeling the feelings that you’re feeling. You’re not the only person struggling with [these] issues…you’re not alone.” —Kristin Russo

“You have to learn to love yourself for a million different reasons.” —Dannielle Owens-Reid


I know that lot of you are asking yourselves one or more of these HUGE questions:

I get that vulnerability is important—but it’s so hard!! How do I make myself vulnerable enough to connect to people and be honest about who I am—even when it’s scary to be my real self?

How do I cheer up and find laughter and happiness, even when everything sucks?

How do I learn to love and accept myself?

How can I get help with questions I’m too embarrassed or afraid to ask?

How do I quit my day job to follow my purpose and forge my own path?

How do I come out or transition when I’m already in my thirties?

My kid just came out to me…OMG. What do I do?!?

You are in major luck: I have some amazing answers to every single one of these questions for you. …

Need Advice? Kristin and Dannielle Tell You How to Be Vulnerable, Love Yourself, Laugh More, and Be Who You Are Read More »

From Finance Banking and Investments to Software Technology and Entrepreneurship

Cliff Stevens, Founder/President of Lokadot, LLC

“Your career transition doesn’t have to be this difficulty—this unwanted disruption. It can be a brand new door that’s open for you…”

Your whole life, you’ve been dreaming of doing this job.

You went to school, studied hard, passed the tests, got the credentials, made the connections, and landed the perfect position.

Except…now that you’re actually doing the dream job, it turns out that it’s not at all what you thought it would be.


You finally found a job you love—a job that’s a great fit for you—and then that job disappears. Suddenly you’re starting over again.

What are you supposed to do now?!?

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From Lab to Garden to Car Lot to Massage Studio: Carrie Spaulding, CPC Interviews Diane Matkowski

Diane Matkowski
Diane Matkowski, LMT, HHC
Freedom Massage

“I had no idea what I was going to do…I had zero plan… Now I realize what a gift it was.” 

Meet Diane Matkowski. She has been a lab aide, a landscape gardener, a car salesperson, a massage therapist, and a business owner.

Join me as I talk to Diane about her multi-stop hop on a career path that led to opening her own business.

Are you thinking, “I could never do that!”?

Well, Diane had nooooo idea that would ever be possible for her, either. …

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How to Survive an Attack of the Never-Dids

One of the hardest parts of an ending—whether it’s the end of a relationship, a job (or a whole career), or your residence in a home or city—is the knowledge and acceptance that this will have been it.

When you’re going—really going—a particular insidious voice can show up in your head. I call this voice the Never-Dids.

“But I never finished…”

“But I/we never got to…”

“But I haven’t gotten this perfect yet.”

When there’s always a tomorrow in that place, job, or relationship, there’s always a possibility to do better, to complete more, to enjoy or experience more, to perfect and hone.

When tomorrow will find you somewhere new…that’s when the Never-Dids come out to play.

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The Tonsillectomy Technique: How to Get over Getting Over It

When I was 27, I had a tonsillectomy. After years of having horrible throat pain and other complications every time I had so much as a flicker of a cold, I finally saw an ENT who suggested I get the nasty things taken out.

He warned me that as procedures go, an adult tonsillectomy is “not pleasant.”

I nearly screamed, “I don’t care! Take them OUT!!!!!”

I was ready to put the years of tonsil torture behind me.

As it happened, in the couple of weeks before my tonsillectomy, I had fallen—hard—for someone I’d started to date.

This was one of those horse-before-the-cart deals; strongly encouraged by the signals I was seeing—and, yeah, okay, probably by some signals I wanted to see—I let myself fall way too fast. …

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How Bad Do You Want It?

I used to think that people who created certain things—who built businesses, or were on the radio, or wrote books—were fundamentally a certain kind of person.

A kind I certainly wasn’t.

As if there was some sort of predestination involved—and I was not one of those people.

Because who the hell am I to think I could do that?

I always felt I had something inside me to share on a bigger scale, but it seemed downright silly or deluded to even share that feeling with myself—let alone anyone else!

Everyone and their mother thinks they have a book in them, I thought.

But one day, I was in the shower, listening to an interview of a researcher/writer on NPR, feeling a slight twinge of envy, and suddenly, I had a Duh Moment (this is my term for an Aha Moment that seems obvious to the point of idiotic in retrospect): …

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What Do We Know? A “Game” to Play When You Feel Lost

Feeling lost?

When you’re in the midst of a career change, sometimes it can feel like you have no idea who you are or where you’re going.

It’s disconcerting to look ahead and see a big question mark.

We often feel grounded by what we do for a living—we hook our identity onto it.

This is encouraged by a culture where the question “So, what do you do?” is often the first point of connection after “What is your name?” when meeting someone new.

Similarly, your whole internal identity can feel called into question when you’ve just ended—or are considering ending—a long-term relationship.

Even if you consider yourself a pretty independent lady or fella, putting a big question mark next to a human constant in your life can start the identity wheel spinning.

When you’re feeling confused, unrooted, and uncertain due to a huge looming question mark, here’s a little game you can play, inspired by one of my favorite TV programs growing up. …

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